The build-up of fatty deposits in the arteries restricting the blood supply to the muscles is called PAD (Peripheral Arterial Disease). Its symptoms usually consist of coldness, numbness and weakness in the legs. The patient may also experience painful cramping in the hips.
There is no cure for PAD, but there are several treatments including: physical activity, exercise training, walking regimens, treadmill programs, lifestyle changes and medication that can relieve symptoms. For instance, Vascepa is a drug that is currently undergoing clinical trials with promising results.
Angioplasty and stent placement are also among the viable options. The former is a procedure meant to unclog blocked blood vessels and allow the blood supply to the legs to flow normally. Similarly, stent placement is a medical procedure that consists of implanting a stent that can keep the artery open.
Testing for PAD entails: bloodwork, checking for high cholesterol and diabetes and comparing the blood pressure in the ankle with the blood pressure in the arm. However, PAD is difficult to diagnose in the early stages simply because its causes can vary from atherosclerosis and blood vessel inflammation to changes in the ligaments, injuries and exposure to radiation.
All in all, a peripheral artery disease doctor Kansas City is home to deals with PAD by recommending various treatments entailing lifestyle changes, the use of medication and non-invasive medical procedures.