The Pitfalls of Ignoring Bone Health after the Age of Thirty-Five

Dec 1, 2022

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Peak bone mineral density is achieved in your late twenties and your early thirties when the body stockpiles more minerals than it actually uses. After the age of thirty-five, this ratio reverses and bone mineral density slowly diminishes. As a result, after the age of thirty-five, you experience gradual bone loss. Moreover, you can have osteoporosis at any age because there are not that many telling symptoms that signal this condition. The first sign is, usually, a broken bone. However, in advanced stages of osteoporosis, the main symptoms are: lower back pain, height loss, receding gums, a curved shape to the spine and fragility-related fractures (at the hip, wrist or in the back).

            After the age of thirty-five, there are many things that you can do to maintain bone health. The main ones include: avoiding substance abuse, taking vitamin D supplements, enjoying physical activity on a regular basis and eating a diet that is rich in calcium and can increase bone density. This type of diet should consist of: fish (sardines, pilchards), dairy products, bread made with fortified flour, green leafy vegetables (broccoli, okra, cabbage), nuts, soya beans, tofu and plant-based drinks. Moreover, best fruits for bone health are the ones rich in vitamin C: oranges, lemons and pink or red grapefruit. Visiting a vascular clinic near me can give you the information you need to take care of your bones.