You are probably familiar with this scenario: you are on a diet, but although you are hungry most of the time, you lose kilograms at an exasperatingly slow pace, or even worse, your weight remains the same. To be able to “fool” those kilos to go away, it is necessary to find out the cause/causes of this unwanted phenomenon.
These can be:
- The body has adapted to the low-calorie intake. That is, it has switched to “low consumption.” In this case, you reach a “threshold” below which it is complicated, if not impossible, to lose weight. In this case, consuming more foods that accelerate your metabolism is good.
- You do not respect your cravings. Cravings are, in fact, signals of the body about some imbalances. Your body “tells” you that to restore balance, you must consume certain foods (because they are rich in substances that your body needs). The imbalances increase if you are too restrictive when you follow a diet.
- Your goals are too high. Failure to reach your goal usually leads to decreased motivation, and the “fight” is half lost.
- You focus too much on dieting and too little on adjusting your lifestyle. Without daily and sustained physical activity, spending at least 2 hours a day outdoors, and getting enough sleep, it is practically impossible to lose weight if your genetic baggage favors fattening. Miva Medical at https://miva-medical.com/ can be a great place for overall vascular health treatments.