Imaging and radiology play vital roles in the functioning of medical care. A condition is evaluated, monitored, and confirmed correctly and safely through them. Modern clinics and hospitals have radiology and imaging lines equipped with state-of-the-art technology and doctors with a lot of experience specializing in this field offering minimally invasive fibroid treatment amongst other vascular treatments.
State-of-the-art technology
Conventional radiology deals with examining the human body utilizing X-rays, a form of electromagnetic radiation. They go through the body and are captured by an X-ray-sensitive digital detector behind the patient.
Radiography is typically the first imaging method to assess the extremities, the thoracic region, and sometimes, the abdomen and the spine. Some critical structures exist in these areas, with densities different from those of adjacent tissues.
Radiography is used primarily in the diagnosis of inflammatory and degenerative diseases for:
- Examination of the digestive tract
- Examination of the lungs and heart
- Examination of the osteoarticular system, spine, and skull
- Hysterosalpingography
- Urography
Modern radiological systems have self-correction and control, through which the patient’s exposure to the X-ray beam is significantly reduced, and the dispersed X-radiation is severely limited. The radiological images obtained this way can be archived and compared with other radiological images taken at different time intervals. Thus, one can comparatively analyze the patient’s evolution and the therapeutic response.